Some old, some new, we're on mission to find 'em
Here's the list of missing in action, if you know of any more please let me know.
Some of the missing below. The ones to the right on the list without the * are pending pictures |
* AJW 968N
NES 356M * NPP 197M NWH 713M * OBW 286M * OCV 867M * ODL 175M * OFL 408M *OGR 634M *OKU 841M OLJ 613M * OLV 272M * ONJ 838M * PBN 188M PDO 161M PEV 231M * PFA 599M *PFW 190M (LAST OWNER DESPERATELY SEEKING) * PHC 157M * PKX 335M * PMR 468M * PNX 349M * PPX 895M * RAA 414M RBF 633M RBP 963M * RCR 437M RHC 157M * RKJ 154M RNN 311N * ROC 399M ROF 105M ROF 106M ROU 729M RSX 164M (NEW CELEB' OWNER USA) * RWK 648M RYJ 167M * SBF 794M (JNZ 6) * SCX 334N * SEH 564N SFC 920N * SGL 302M SHU 623M * SRB 888M * TJT 718L ?? *UMK 740M * UMK 742M * UTJ 310M * UYR 511M * VEY 172M * VLB 244M * WDH 201N * WPB 644M WRK 663N WTK 752M XLK 382N * XMD 197M * XTC 902N * XUY 465M * XWP 542M * XYF 15N YAL 951M YNP 491M * YUY 675M * YVO 214M Jeans Unknown * MAN 333M * PBW 951M * TTG 686M |